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Tips for Choosing Baby Balm that is Safe and Maximizes Benefits

Baby balm is often chosen by parents as a topical medication to help relieve the symptoms of colds and cough that occur in children. But before giving it, make sure the baby balm you choose has a safe content and provides maximum benefits for your child. Compared to adults, baby's skin is thinner and more susceptible to irritation. This is why, balm for adults cannot be used on babies. Baby balm should be specially formulated for infants and children, as well as with ingredients that are safe for your child.

Ingredients that are considered safe for babies

Baby balm will generally contain natural ingredients such as chamomile and eucalyptus flower extracts which are believed to be effective in relieving the symptoms of flu and coughing, and making sleep more soundly. Use a mild-scented baby balm that makes the baby more comfortable while sleeping. Both of these natural ingredients are safe to use for baby balms because they have good benefits for your baby, namely:
  • Chamomile Extract

  • When the flu and cough, your child tends to be fussy and have trouble sleeping. Now, applying baby balm containing chamomile extract can help overcome both of these problems. Chamomile has a natural relaxation effect that is able to overcome insomnia in infants and adults. Chamomile has also been proven to relieve anxiety symptoms and make a person feel calmer. In addition, chamomile is relatively friendly for baby's skin. When applied to the skin, chamomile can even help overcome skin irritation and help the wound healing process. A number of studies have also noted the effectiveness of chamomile which is quite good for eczema treatment.
  • Eucalyptus radiata

  • Besides being processed into essential oils, eucalyptus leaves are often used as one of the basic ingredients for making baby balms. Baby balm with this content is useful as a natural cough remedy that helps with nasal congestion and cough with phlegm.
From a study, it was found that this plant can increase immunity in the fight against bacteria, and reduce inflammation. There are also studies in children that show that topical medicines containing eucalyptus can relieve coughing and nasal congestion at night, thus helping them to sleep more soundly. It is important to know, there are two types of eucalyptus namely Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalpytus radiata. Eucalyptus globulus is a type that is widely used as an essential oil or topical medication, and is safe to use for adults and children over 2 years old. As for infants, the content of a baby balm that is safe to use is the type of Eucalpytus radiata. Make sure you read the content on the packaging label before choosing baby balm. Choose baby balms that are specially formulated for babies and children under 2 years. To avoid undesirable effects, make sure you follow the instructions on the packaging label, especially for baby balms that will be applied to the chest, neck and back. Avoid applying baby balm to the eyes, mouth, face, genitals, hands and skin of children who are irritated or injured. If your child has certain medical conditions or has an allergy to the ingredients in the baby's balm, consult your pediatrician before deciding to apply the baby balm. If an allergic reaction occurs, stop using it immediately and consult a doctor.


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